Cancer For Men

Cancer is the second killer that most carries death to humans. According to the World Health Organization (WHO); 8.8 million people died of cancer in 2015 worldwide. Cancer is a very scary disease because it appears without any signs and warnings and even affects the psychology of those with cancer. For this entry, I will share knowledge about cancer that generally attacks the men and signs of cancer in the body. Before proceeding with this entry, it is good to know a little about cancer and perhaps many do not know how it happened and where it happened in general

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What Is Cancer?

A genetic disease in which genetic information changes due to external and internal factors, resulting in uncontrolled cell growth. Changes in cell information according to the World Health Organization (WHO) due to external agents such as Physical carcinogens, chemical carcinogens, and biological carcinogens. External agents cause mutations in DNA that lead to uncontrolled cell division resulting in tumors. The tumors are divided into two types: the non-spreading (static) and the tumor that can spread to the nearby cells. So far, 100 types of cancer are identified based on their characteristics and where the growth of uncontrolled cells triggered. I hope a brief description of this cancer gives you a bit of a picture and if you want to know more you can open a link to this entry’s reference section.

Common Types of Male Cancer.

Men also do not miss these lethal cancers, there are many types of cancer found to be attacking men based on where the cancer is attacking. If cancer strikes the lungs then it is called lung cancer and this entry I will list in general the types of cancer that always attack men. I hope this entry can further enhance your knowledge of cancer.

Throat Cancer

Throat area starts from the base of the neck and ends at the tip of Nasal cavity, in this throat area some types of cancers can occur such as Nasopharynx cancer, Oropharynx cancer, hypopharynx cancer and also Larynx cancer called voice box cancer. Generally speaking, if you experience changes in the throat such as the voice turns into hoarseness, sore throat, difficult to swallow, frequent coughing and feeling swollen in the throat for two or three weeks continuing then you should consult a doctor and ask for advice from him.

Esophagus Cancer

This type of cancer generally attacks men as compared to women, Esophagus is a food channel called gullet or food pipe. This Esophagus serves to bring food from mouth to stomach. There are two types of cancer that occur in the area of Esophagus such as adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. General signs of Esophagus cancer such as difficulty swallowing, vomiting, heartburn, and weight loss.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a tumor that develops in the lungs where the uncontrolled cell grows in the lungs causing a person suffering from lung cancer to feel uncomfortable in the chest, always coughing, rapid tiredness and shortness of breath. Most people with this cancer due to extreme smoking and smoking are the major contributors to lung cancer compared to other factors. According to the article states that 80% of deaths due to this cancer results from extreme smoking habits among the sufferers. The more you smoke, the higher the risk of getting lung cancer.

Stomach Cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stomach cancer is the fourth cause of human death worldwide due to cancer. Gastric cancer occurs in the stomach area of the small intestine and also known as gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is triggered by an infection in the stomach such as H.pylori, a dietary that practices eating foods such as smoked meat, spicy foods, pickled foods and obesity also contribute to stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is difficult to detect in the early stages of developing cancer, there are some signs that can be detected if stomach cancer develops like abdominal pain, black stools, exhaustion, lack of appetite, weight loss, swelling in the stomach and vomiting of the blood.

Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer is also called Colon cancer or Colorectal cancer, this bowel cancer attacks the colon, rectum, and anus. Symptoms such as bloody stools, rare stools, loss of appetite, frequent abdominal pain, constipation and the size of stools become smaller. The occurrence of colon cancer is caused by many factors but generally, colon cancer occurs due to age factors, eating habits, obesity, smoking and less exercise.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the biggest threat to men because this type of cancer is the cause of most men’s death, it is said that prostate cancer is the second most common cause of death among men in the world. The prostate is located between the base of the penis and the bladder where it works to produce fluids to smoothen the movement of semen and protect it. If there is an indication of frequent urination, urination is not satisfied, painful, always urinating at night, bloody urine, urinary flow is not so smooth and painful when ejaculation. You should see your doctor right away because it’s all about the presence of prostate cancer and those over the age of 50 have a high risk of getting this type of cancer. The cause of cancer is caused by age factor, family history of this cancer, nutrition, and hormonal changes. These factors trigger tumors in the prostate and can also spread to vital organs like lungs and nearby organs such as kidneys, liver, bones and so on. You should take regular health checks to detect them early and prevent them from developing and spreading.

Testicular Cancer

The percentage of people, who suffer from this type of cancer is very small and rarely attacks men but it should be noted that despite the small percentage, the increase in those who develop cancer increases annually according to the Cancer.Net. This type of cancer often attacks those who are within the age of 15 years to 40 years, but there are also cases that have been subjected to testicular cancer for over 40 years. So far, the cause of testicular cancer has not been known yet and it is still a mystery of how it is triggered but generally, some factors that risk getting this cancer like smoking and family history of suffering from or getting testicular cancer. There are some signs that if you get this cancer as swelling in the testicles, the size of the testicle’s size is increased either one or both, the testicles are getting heavier, the pain in the groin and the discomfort in the scrotum. If you find signs in yourself, check with your doctor for further examination.

Skin Cancer

If you find that your skin has a small bump like a mole, which is uneven, asymmetrical, has a different color and there is redness, up to 6mm in size, painful to touch and scaly. You should be worried because the signs show the symptoms of skin cancer. skin is the largest organ in the human body as it encompasses all our flesh and bones, it is our body’s first defense system of any disease, radiation, and pollution. Skin cancer is a change in body cells in the skin causing abnormal tumors in the skin, there are three types of skin cancer such as Basal Cell Carcinomas, Squamous Cell Carcinomas, and Melanomas. These three types of cancer have certain characteristics but all of them tend to occur in the face, neck, arms, and parts of the body are always exposed to sunlight. There are some of these cancer-causing factors, such as genetic, bright skin, exposed to UV rays, exposed to arsenic, exposed to radiation, weak immune system, many moles and have a history of skin cancer in the family.


  1. Cancer. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Head and Neck Cancers. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  3. Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  4. Stomach (Gastric) Cancer Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  5. Nordqvist, C. (2018, January 05). Stomach cancer: Causes, symptoms, and treatments. Retrieved from
  6. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  7. Nordqvist, C. (2017, November 27). Prostate cancer: Symptoms, treatment, and causes. Retrieved from
  8. Testicular Cancer. (2014, June 17). Retrieved from

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